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1. I think I am registered to vote, but I am not sure, how do I find out?
2. Where can I vote if I can not vote at my precinct on Election Day?
3. How can I request an Absentee Ballot by mail?
4. Can I vote by Absentee ballot?
5. What if I have disabilities that make my precinct not accessible to me?
6. Where do I vote?
7. If I registered by mail and have not voted before, do I have to do anything different?
8. I do not own property, so why does it matter whether or not I vote?
9. Will registering to vote increase my chances of being called for Jury Duty?
10. If I registered before the election last year do I need to register again?
11. How can I register to vote?
12. What are the requirements to be able to register to vote?
13. When are the polls open on Election Day?
14. Can I vote in a precinct where I don't live?
15. I am registered Unaffiliated, may I vote in a Primary Election?
16. My relative has passed away recently. How can I request their name to be removed from the voter rolls?