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Board of Elections Mission Statement

The mission of the Wilkes County Board of Elections is to provide the citizens of Wilkes County with fair, efficient, free and impartial elections within the guidelines of State and Federal Election Laws. Our office is committed to maintaining current and accurate voter files, encouraging voter registration and conducting all municipal, county, state and federal elections. Our office is also responsible for candidate filing, administering the Campaign Reporting Act, and enforcement of all election laws of the State of North Carolina.

Photo ID Notice

Voters will now be asked to present a valid photo identification when voting in person. If you do not have a valid photo ID card, you may obtain one from your county board of elections prior to the election, through the end of the early voting period. 

If you do not have a valid photo ID card on Election Day, you may still vote and have your vote counted by signing an affidavit of reasonable impediment as to why you have not presented a valid photo ID. 

2023 Voter Photo ID Information Sheet

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