
Mitigation Phase

Mitigation activities reduce the future impacts of natural and technological hazards on people and property. The priority is to make our homes, businesses and communities as resilient as possible against the impacts of hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires and other hazards. Sustainable redevelopment is about making communities more livable than they were prior to the disaster. Regular information and education outreach efforts are conducted to inform citizens, local governments and businesses on specific mitigation measures they can do before a disaster ever occurs in order to reduce potential future losses.

Techniques & Tools

Most hazard mitigation techniques are applied at the local government level, where land use decision are made, growth and development take place, and where hazards occur. In order to address basic local governmental choices about where and how to build, local mitigation plans are created to identify the hazard risks facing a particular jurisdiction. Specific tools and techniques can be used to reduce those risks. This may include acquisition or elevation of flood prone homes, adopting a local flood ordinance, informing citizens about the importance to purchasing flood insurance, and limiting the extension of infrastructure into known high hazard areas.