What is your Maternal Nurse and what does she do?
We have Pregnancy Care Managers who are either Social Workers or Nurses. The Pregnancy Care Managers work with the patient’s OB doctor to help manage the care of the patient while she is pregnant. Their job is to assist the patient during the pregnancy to meet the patient’s needs and goals. These staff can help with community resources if needed. The ultimate goal is to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy birth delivery.

The Postpartum/Newborn nurse is a part of the Welcome Baby Program through the Health Department. It is a free service offered to all new mothers and babies. What the Postpartum/Newborn nurse does is schedule a one time home visit with the new mother and child. They assess both mother and baby, provide education, and detect possible problems early. They also provide education about normal newborn characteristics, feeding issues, and community resources as needed. Certified North Carolina Lactation Educators can assist mother with breastfeeding and any issues that may be occurring.

For more information on either program please call 336-651-7450.

Show All Answers

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2. Can teens receive birth control without their parent's knowledge?
3. Can you get pregnant during or right after your period?
4. Does the Health Clinic provide abortions?
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6. Is the birth control pill free of charge without insurance? Do you need a pelvic exam/ Pap smear for get prescribed for the pill?
7. I think I might be pregnant. What should I do?
8. Is the pregnancy test free?
9. I had unprotected sexual intercourse 6 days ago. Are there any drugs that I can take to prevent me from getting pregnant?
10. Has the state of North Carolina passed a law regarding babies born with drug dependency?
11. Does the Health Department do paternity testing?
12. How much is the depo birth control shot?
13. How do you get herpes?
14. My period is abnormal. What do I do?
15. What do you do if you want to have an abortion? Is there an abortion pill offered?
16. Does the health department still give out pregnancy information and books?
17. How do I make a dental dam?
18. Are there free mammograms available to women in Wilkes County?
19. If you’re under age 18 can you get free birth control?
20. If you are pregnant without knowing and you continue to take your prescription birth control, will you lose your baby?
21. What is your Maternal Nurse and what does she do?
22. I am pregnant and under the age of 18. Should I apply for Medicaid now or wait until I am 18?
23. Are the condoms you give as good as the name brand condoms like Trojan?
24. How long should I wait to take a pregnancy test?
25. Do you offer the Plan B pill?
26. Is there any help offered to uninsured women who are due for a mammogram?
27. Does the Health Department offer the abortion pill?
28. Can you have your period or bleed while you are pregnant?
29. What are good websites for accurate sexual health information?
30. Can you get intracytoplasmic sperm injection for infertility at the Wilkes Health Department?